
Always announced the beginning of cooperation with Julianna Karaulova


The well-known brand of feminine hygiene products Always and the popular singer Yulianna Karaulova help girls become more confident in themselves.

Since July, the young and talented singer Yulianna Karaulova has officially become the representative of the Always brand and the face of his new campaign, urging girls to "show their confidence here and now."
The first step in the collaboration was the shooting of the new video Always, in which Julianne offers one of the spectators to go up to the stage and sing part of her debut hit "You're Not That." The video is actively broadcast on television, it will soon be available on the brand’s official Youtube channel.
Always® Brand constantly inspires girls to be more confident in themselves. In June of this year, the brand launched the third campaign, # Like a Girl, urging teenage girls not to quit sports and achieve their goals.
According to Julianne herself, the problem of self-doubt is also very close to her. “The fact is that in my youth I was an extremely notorious person, moreover, I even considered myself completely ordinary and unsympathetic. It really interfered with my work. Over time, thanks to the support of close people, I learned to believe in myself, cope with emotions and I was able to reveal my talent. Now I want to share my experience with other girls and help them overcome this barrier. Therefore, I gladly agreed to take part in this story, "the singer shared.
Always® representatives are very pleased with their choice and believe that Julianna Karaulova perfectly understands the brand's values. “When we conceived this campaign, we imagined just such a girl: bright, confident, positive, able to overcome obstacles. Julianna is very brave, she inspires us,” said Julia Mayorova, Senior Manager of the communications department for the category of children's and women's hygiene products in countries of Eastern Europe and Central Asia.
In the near future, representatives of the brand are preparing a big surprise for fans of Julianne and advise you to follow the news of the campaign so as not to miss anything interesting.
