
Is the weight taken?


In the spring I especially want to get rid of the extra pounds that have accumulated over the winter. But is the desire for “ideal” weight always justified?

Each era has its own criteria for female beauty. Small legs, lush breasts, wasp waist, wide hips - these standards are a thing of the past. Today, women are fighting for body mass index (BMI), which has become almost the most important indicator of beauty and health.

-● Hand calculator

Calculating BMI is simple: body weight in kilograms should be divided by the square of growth in meters. The resulting figure ranges from 18.5 to 24.9? You have normal weight and good metabolism. Keep it up! An index of 25 to 29.9 indicates overweight - review the diet and go in for sports. If the indicators exceeded 30, seriously think about weight loss, and better under the supervision of a specialist.

Note: BMI is calculated without taking into account age, constitution, race, etc. In short, it is designed for a certain average Homo sapiens.

But life dictates its own rules. Therefore, it is important to strive not for the "ideal" weight, but for the one in which you feel good. In this case, it is desirable that the body mass index is not higher than 30.

Tip Along with BMI, a measure of health is waist volume. In women, it should not exceed 88 cm, and in men 102 cm. In addition, the ratio of waist to height should not be more than 1: 2.Therefore, it is more important to get rid of a big belly than just lose weight.

-● No fat anywhere

Fat deposits, which give roundness and attractiveness to the female body, fulfill their useful function in the body: they warm, serve as a source of energy, and also participate in the synthesis of female sex hormones. Therefore, with age, a woman usually gains weight - this way the body compensates for the lack of estrogen in her body. A small excess of weight protects the female body from dishormonal problems, the development of osteoporosis (brittle bones), atherosclerosis and cardiovascular diseases, and also delays the natural aging process. Such women look younger!

Tip Extra pounds can appear not only due to excess fat, but also with developed muscles, fluid retention in the tissues. Therefore, start the weight loss program by studying the composition of your own body using the bio-impedance method - this analysis is carried out in many clinics and health centers. It will help determine the ratio between muscle and fat masses in the body and choose the right methods of weight correction.

-● love your body

To get closer to the magazine parameters 90-60-60, in fact, you need to keep the body on a starvation diet. Constant appetite control, fear of gaining extra weight often lead to the development of anorexia nervosa. Mostly young girls with low self-esteem suffer from this disease. They refuse to eat, thus trying to cope with emotional dissatisfaction, anxiety, and stress.A variety of diets, nutritional supplements, and excessive physical activity are used. As a result - exhaustion, metabolic disorders, hormonal changes, mental disorder.

Tip Increase your self-esteem, admire your reflection in the mirror, often imagine yourself slim and beautiful - you will certainly become like that, because the thought is material. And remember: a man will never pay attention to your imperfections, be it wide hips or extra folds at the waist, if you yourself will not repeat them endlessly.

How to cope with appetite

● If you feel hungry, drink a glass of cold water in small sips.

- ● For breakfast, eat whole cereal porridge.

- ● Eat often, in small portions (250 ml each).

- ● During snacks, eat foods rich in tryptophan: dairy products, turkey or chicken, bananas, dates, peanuts, hazelnuts, pine nuts.

- ● Eat more fiber from root crops, cereals, legumes, greens, fresh vegetables) - it quickly fills the stomach, creating a feeling of fullness.

-● Emotions under control

There is an opinion that overweight people are more cheerful, optimistic, carefree. However, scientists say the opposite: obesity often disguises latent depression, which they try to drown out with delicious food. Such people do not eat because of energy hunger, but simply seize trouble at work, bad mood, stress. For them, good to eat is a way to relieve stress, relax. They eat fast, a lot, with an appetite, like companies. An extreme form of unbridled appetite and an eating disorder is bulimia.This disease is characterized by attacks of secret gluttony, artificially caused by vomiting, laxatives, disorder

metabolism and requires complex treatment.

Tip If you have an obsessive desire to eat, try to do what you love, learn alternative ways of relieving emotional stress, for example, do yoga regularly. Hand treacherously reaching for the refrigerator? Grasp the earlobe - in its center is a point that suppresses appetite and stimulates metabolism.

-● The main thing - gradually

Only 5 percent of losing weight managed to lose weight and maintain the result for more than 5 years after the termination of the diet. The rest are getting fat again, gaining more than they dumped (boomerang effect). So maybe you should not try to lose weight by 20-30 kg? Indeed, with small degrees of obesity, even minus 5 kg are already noticeable and have a beneficial effect on health: blood pressure decreases, cholesterol and glucose levels in the blood normalize, the load on the joints and spine decreases, venous blood flow improves, etc.

Tip Do not strive for quick results in a short time, lose weight post-

foamy. And regularly weigh yourself - this will help control weight.



Watch the video: The Band - The Weight (January 2025).