
My figure is my ideal


The problem of excess weight is relevant for many women, because a slim figure is always in trend. But how to achieve the desired result?

The ability to control your weight is a kind of art, and those who have mastered it manage to maintain good physical shape and good mood for many years. However, there is nothing complicated about this. Will we try?
Traditionally, ideal weight is determined using a body mass index (BMI). To calculate it, the weight in kilograms must be divided by the height in meters squared. Normally, the resulting indicator should be 18−25. For example, 56 kg: (1.63 X 1.63) = 21. However, not all nutritionists consider this formula to be perfect. When calculating BMI, only the person’s weight and height are taken into account, and the hereditary constitution, age, state of health, and other factors are not taken into account. But how then to find your way to achieving the perfect figure? To begin with, it is important to understand that popular standards are not a guide to action, but merely general recommendations. They are good, but not universal. And the attitude to the process of losing weight has changed a lot lately.
Developing programs for those who want to find harmonious forms, now nutritionists not only focus on scales and centimeters, but are increasingly using methods of computer diagnostics of body parameters. The most effective of them is bioimpedancemetry.
Bioimpedancemetry helps to evaluate the composition of the body (find out what is more in us - fat, water or muscle tissue), tell the whole truth about metabolism, tell you how many calories the body should spend at rest (it is impossible to lower the calorie content of the diet below this indicator) and even identify risks some diseases. The device itself is a small box with sensors connected to a computer. The procedure is simple and painless, takes 15−20 minutes. First, the patient’s indicators are entered into a special computer program: age, gender, height, weight, waist, hips and wrists. Then the person lays down on the couch, and the doctor puts electrodes connected to the device, which delivers a weak alternating current, to the wrist of his right hand and right leg. After measurements, the program processes the data and displays on the monitor screen a color picture with the corresponding designation of body composition. Thanks to her, the specialist sees where the norm is, where the deviation is, what the patient should pay attention to. When we are losing weight, it is very important to lose weight due to adipose tissue and excess fluid, and not due to muscle. Bioimpedancemetry allows a specialist to control this process, and also helps to timely adjust diet and physical activity.
Tip. Do not chase fast results. For a week, it is recommended to lose no more than 1-1.5 kg. The body cannot burn more fat during this period! If you exceed these numbers, then most likely you are losing weight not due to fat, but due to muscles (including the heart), which is unsafe.
As a rule, in order to control weight, you have to constantly deal with food temptations. This takes a lot of energy and leads to disruptions. In fact, the basis of this conflict is the artificial division of products into harmful and useful, high-calorie and non-nutritive. It is better to change this approach, to avoid the words “exclude”, “limit”, “cannot”, “not recommended”, and put “preference” at the forefront. In this case, the cause of the food conflict is eliminated and the path opens for a free, informed choice of wholesome food.
Tip. Going to the store, make a list of necessary purchases. Try to ensure that 80% of the list is made up of products that meet the preference criterion (vegetables, fruits, eggs, lean meat, poultry, fish, cereals, dairy products) and only 20% were related products (fats, sauces, sweets,seasonings, etc.).
It’s just that food only satisfies hunger, but tasty food still calms, relieves stress, gives pleasure, that is, stimulates the production of pleasure hormones. Ignore this fact is not worth it. So be choosy in food, try to cook dishes with your own hands, putting your soul into this process. Do not be afraid to experiment with conventional products, come up with their new combinations. And of course, cultivate a gourmet in yourself: eat a little, but gourmet.
Tip. After eating a serving, do not rush to reach for the supplement, wait a quarter of an hour. The fact is that the brain receives a signal about satisfying hunger with a delay - only 15-20 minutes after you started the meal. Therefore, take your time, stretch your meal time, chew every bite thoroughly, enjoying its taste and aroma.
Voracious Hormone
Nutritionists advise eating 5-6 times a day (3 main meals and 2-3 small snacks), preferably at the same time. This will help to deceive the feeling of hunger. It arises from a decrease in blood sugar and an increase in the level of the hormone hunger-ghrelin in it: the longer the breaks between meals, the more ghrelin is produced and the more you feel hungry. In addition, make sure that your diet is balanced in terms of basic indicators: the body needs proteins, fats, and carbohydrates. The exclusion of at least one of these components leads to metabolic disorders and can cause serious health problems.
Tip. Many people think that eating after 18.00 is bad. This is not so, especially if you work late into the night. A long break in food (more than 12 hours) is a stress for the digestive glands, causes cell starvation at night, worsens sleep, and even contributes to premature aging. It’s better to make it a rule not to eat 2 hours before bedtime and not to cook carbohydrate-rich foods for dinner.
To speed up the process of burning fat and tighten your figure, do not forget about physical activity, because the law of conservation of energy has not yet been canceled: how many calories from food have been received, so much needs to be spent. Game sports (tennis, volleyball, basketball), swimming, jogging, walking at a fast pace are perfect for this. Even the usual morning exercises (tilting, turning the body, swinging legs and arms, lunges), if performed regularly, gives a good fat-burning result.
Tip. Try to attend the fitness club at least 2-3 times a week. Make sure that after class in the gym you feel a surge of strength, not physical fatigue. Do not eat food 2 hours before and after class. Observe the water regime: 1 glass of water (without gas) before and after classes, during intensive training - every 20 minutes if necessary.
You need to eat regularly: 5-6 times a day in small portions, at the same time.
Healthy diet: vegetables, fruits, cereals, fish, lean meat, dairy products.
Material prepared by Julia Dekanova


Watch the video: My Ideal (January 2025).