
How to make hair thicker: 9 best tips


If the curls are thinner, returning them to their former volume and weight is a very real task. In our review, proven recipes and tips on how to make your hair thicker.

They say that the amount and thickness of hair is genetically laid, and it is impossible to regulate these parameters. However, can genetics become an obstacle to smart hair?
For an uncompromising scientific fact, there is a counterargument: the amount of hair in the phase of active growth and rest differs in different periods of time. "Sleeping" hair, preparing for growth, can be invigorated a little and give them an incentive to develop faster, and keep those grown longer in tone, slowing down the period of aging and degradation of the follicle. So there should be more vegetation on the head.
Here are the main steps on the way to the coveted thick hairstyle. We advise you to "walk" at this pace for at least six months - then your efforts will certainly be rewarded. So what to do to make your hair thicker and thicker?

Redefine lifestyle

It sounds boring, but who would argue that health is the basis of beauty? And stress, lack of good eating habits, lack of oxygen, taking medications - all this spoils the health and, accordingly, shortens the most pleasant period in the life of our hair, anagenic.
Anagen is a phase of active growth, not at all short - 6-8 years, but tending to decrease to 3-4 years due to harmful factors. Therefore, it is advisable to level them first: if possible, change work to a quieter one, regularly go on vacation, move more and walk in the fresh air, eat well. This will help to make thin hair thicker.

Audit nutrition

It is known that hair is 80% keratin protein. The remaining 20% ​​in the composition is water, pigments, minerals and lipids. Accordingly, on the table should be everything that ensures the supply of the right proteins, vitamins and the necessary trace elements: green leafy vegetables, fruits, oily sea fish, liver, whole grains, nuts, legumes, eggs.
A diet to improve the density of hair excludes fast food and refined products (polished rice, premium flour, refined sugar, refined vegetable oil, etc.). Cooking methods should also be gentle: boiling in water or steam, baking.

To drink a vitamin complex

Typically, special drugs contain biotin, vitamins A, C, B5, as well as iron, zinc, sulfur and silicon. It is they who more than others affect the density of hair. However, we will not recommend any particular manufacturer. It is unlikely that someone will choose the right vitamins and correctly tell the frequency of the repetition of the treatment course in order to make your hair thicker than a specialist who communicates with you personally.
The right diet will help us become not only slim, but also healthy.We will provide vitamins for every cell!

Do not neglect the haircut at a good hairdresser

Thanks to this, you will not only get rid of split and damaged hair, which will facilitate the growth of new ones, but you can also give the hair style a voluminous shape. Why not use visual tricks in the struggle to make your hair visually thicker?
At home, you can paint over gray hair and restore hair no worse than in the salon! Just follow our instructions.

Wash your hair properly

Sadly, washing mistakes are very common, so we are forced to talk about them. According to the sad statistics shared by stylists and hairdressers, their clients use hot water for washing (it activates the sebaceous glands, which interferes with growth), do not wet the hair too thoroughly, do not dilute the shampoo in the water, twist the washed hair out too much, keep it in a turban towel for longer than 10 minutes, and also comb, go outside or go to bed without drying his head. It is gratifying if the list of these typical mistakes has nothing to do with your habits.

Change combs if necessary

Try to run them on the palm and wrist. If the skin feels even the slightest discomfort, pain, and even more so if pink marks remain on it, this is a signal to use a more gentle comb. However, rushing to the other extreme is also not worth it - you do not need to buy an expensive brush with soft natural bristles, which only iron, but do not comb. After all, a good comb is needed for various purposes, including in order to massage it.

Do the massage

The most patient can practice the so-called “one hundred combing” rule when combing the hair roots to the ends a hundred times in total, changing the direction of movement - from the forehead to the back of the head, from the right ear to the left, from the left to the crown and so on.
Less patient ones reduce the amount of combing to reasonable limits. And those and others do not neglect finger massage: rubbing, light tapping, stroking in different directions are permissible. As a result of all manipulation, the blood supply to the follicles improves, and along with the blood, useful nutrients come to them.

Use aromas

Two or three drops of 100% natural essential oil of cedar or rosemary, lavender or thyme on a comb - both the morning procedure and evening massage will be much more useful.
Make hair thicker at home
There are a million recipes, but in fact there are four basic substances that can make your hair thicker. These are oils, egg yolk, apple cider vinegar and rye flour. Masks are made from oils: take avocado or jojoba oil as a base, warm to 36.6 degrees and add 4-5 drops of bay or calamus essential oil, apply to the roots and length, hide under a hat and towel and wear for 3-5 hours . Rinse off with rye flour. However, it can replace your regular shampoo.
The recipe is as follows: mix 4 tablespoons of peeled rye flour with warm water until the consistency of liquid sour cream, let stand for 10 minutes, apply to hair and hold for two minutes. Then lather on the head and rinse off with barely warm water.If you doubt that the shower will cope, then rinse, lying in the bathtub - directly face up in the water. From "rye shampoo" hair becomes heavier, denser.
Due to the lecithin content, the structure of the hair and the egg yolk are denser: if you apply it to wet hair twice a week, then after a month you will see that they have become thicker. Use apple cider vinegar (a tablespoon of 2 liters of lukewarm water) as a rinse aid: it helps to balance the pH of the scalp, makes curls more shiny and soft, reduces electrostatic stress. And, oddly enough, adds volume. Check it out!

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