
Perfect shape


Slim, graceful, graceful ... Are these compliments addressed to you? If not yet, then now is the best time to remove the extra centimeters on the waist and hips, as well as get rid of the "orange peel".

A bit of pungency
In order to cope with cellulite and sagging skin, it is necessary to increase blood circulation in its upper layers. Well-known seasonings - pepper and mustard will help us with this! Add a little hot water to the dry mustard powder and bring the mixture to a homogeneous state. Apply it to problem areas of the body and wrap with cling film in two layers. Keep no more than 15 minutes, otherwise you may get a burn! Then take a warm shower and apply a moisturizer to your skin. Similarly, you can use red pepper in the form of a powder or tincture.
Hard loofah pouches, sisal mittens, roller massagers with silver-plated needles and brushes with wooden spikes stimulate blood circulation and improve metabolism, helping you create perfect shapes. The main rule is to massage the body in circular motions from top to bottom.

Honey massage is considered a very effective way to lose weight. You can use liquid or candied honey, but only natural, no additives. Rub it into the skin until the body becomes slippery.
It is known that juniper and cypress essential oils smooth the skin, rosemary - normalizes blood circulation, and juniper - removes excess fluid from the body.
Salt baths
Baths with salt help well in the fight against cellulite. Beauticians recommend using natural sea salt, it is possible with various additives. For example, enriched with iodine and selenium or various plant extracts. Before taking a bath, it is better to cleanse the skin with a scrub and rinse under a cool shower. Muds with a high concentration of Dead Sea salts and clay-based thermal mud normalize metabolism in the subcutaneous adipose tissue. They are best used locally in the form of wraps.
Coffee scrubs
You can put in the matter as freshly ground grains, and coffee grounds. However, it is believed that the "used" coffee gives still less effect than that which was ground specifically for making scrub.
There are many recipes for coffee scrubs, for example this: 1 tbsp. spoon of ground grains, 1 tbsp. spoon of honey, 1 teaspoon of olive oil, 1 tbsp. a spoon of sour cream. Mix all the ingredients thoroughly, apply the mixture to the body with the help of massage gloves and treat problem areas for 5-10 minutes. Rinse off the scrub with a strong stream of water. No less effective coffee scrub with sea salt. To prepare it, take these ingredients in a 4: 1 ratio and a little nourishing cream. Before applying the mixture, take a hot shower to steam the skin.
Photo: PR
Material prepared by Julia Dekanova
