
Bouquet Pillows


These curly pillows are suitable not only for a wicker chair in the country! And we suggest to decorate a wicker chair with beads and pompons.

YOU WILL NEED: wicker chair; patches of cotton fabric with a large floral pattern; plain cotton fabric for the back of the pillow; large wooden beads of green color; a wide orange gift ribbon, a narrow satin ribbon of green color; double-sided adhesive tape; color matching threads for buttonhole and sewing; volumenfliz; long needle for stitching bulk products; scissors.
PERFORMANCE: from flower fabric, roughly cut large flowers. Arrange individual motifs in the form of a bouquet using the patchwork technique and fix with pins. According to the shape and size of the resulting part, cut out the liner from the bulk non-woven and the part for the back side of the pillow from a plain fabric. Fold the fabric parts from the inside out, put the volumenfliz, stitch the “bouquet” along the outer contours. Cut excess stock close to stitches.
To fasten the pillows on the chair, sew several satin ribbons on the back of the pillow.
Arrange the pillows on the chair, stretch the ribbons through weaving on the back of the chair and tie the ribbons with bows. Wrap the legs of the chair with a wide gift ribbon. Fix the ends of the tape with double adhesive tape.
For beads along the lower front side of the chair, thread a long thread for sewing loops into a long needle for stitches, from the inside out to pierce at one edge, tie the end of the thread with a knot. String a certain number of beads on a thread and draw a needle with a thread of sleep-rifle in and out. Re-string the beads, etc. Pre-mark on the front side of the chair equal intervals for holding the needle with thread. Tie the end of the thread with a knot and cut.
Tip: pillows do not need to be tied to an armchair or chair, in this case, just do not sew satin ties to them.
Photo: Matteo Manducio, editor: Claudia Risland, materials: Dagmar Murcudis.
Material prepared by Elena Karpova
