
Sun goddess


On a summer's day, such a hat will be everywhere: on the sea beach and on the riverbank, in the country and on a city tour ...

You will need:
Flaps of different tissues in a cage. Flizelin G 785 and N 250. A mannequin made of styrofoam or polystyrene. Roller knife, litter for cutting and a large ruler. Pins, threads, wire.

Step 1
Tissue flaps to strengthen a lining. Cut with a roller knife along an oblique strip 2 cm wide. Cut 1 circle diam. 5 cm

Step 2
On a mannequin, chop a circle. Then stick strips of fabric one after another so that the top of the hat is dia. 20 cm. In this case, cut the slices. Stripes stitch each other to the edge.

Step 3
To pick up the outer edge of the top of the hat with large stitches to the size of the head circumference.

Step 4
Carve approx. 10 strips long = head circumference + 2 cm of allowances. Paste it on the mannequin, then scribble.

Step 5
For hat fields, first make a ring, diam. = head circumference. Then, picking up, chop and stitch the remaining strips.

Step 6
According to the size of the hat’s fields, cut a pattern from the strips from the stripes, and along it the fabric for the inside of the fields, on the outer cuts without allowances, give 1 cm allowances on the inner cuts.

Step 7
Iron the gasket on the fields of the hat. Put together the fields of stripes on the fields of fabric, pin to the top of the hat and stitch.

Step 8
Cut an oblique inlay from the fabric, fold in half, tuck sections and iron.In the oblique inlay, put the outer sections of the top of the hat, then in the fold of the inlay put the wire. To sew a slanting inlay.
Photo: Jonathan Klein (1); Jan Schmiedel (8); Design: Teresa Bahler.
